Monday, September 21, 2009

Potty mouth

I was commenting on a sassy remark by one of the others. Yes, I shouted through the door. That is what you have to do when you are talking from behind a bathroom stall, in a crowded bathroom, in a break from class. I was loud, of course, in my nice blatant way.

And then I opened the door. Let's just say, it is one thing to be commenting to a room of your classmates and friends, and another to have your professor standing right there.

Did I mention the part about the mixed gender bathrooms in our building? Or, the mixing of status? Yes, the professors pee right next to the students around here- whether you are a girl or boy or somewhere in between.

Now I'm a pretty relaxed person, and can take quite a lot in stride, but that was a lesson worth not repeating!

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